"Fourty-nine people attended the Scheme 2000 workshop. Only those who explicitly released their address on the ACM registration form are listed here." "DATA DOCUMENTATION attendees = (listof attendee) attendee = [s-expression] (attendee (name (last STR) (first STR)) (affiliation STR) (address STR STR) (city STR) (state STR) (zip STR) (country STR) (email STR)) " ((attendee (name (last "Atsushi") (first "Igarashi")) (affiliation "University of Tokyo") (address "Dept. of Graphics and Comp. Sci." "3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku") (city "Tokyo") (state "") (zip "153-8902") (country "JAPAN") (email "igarashi@graco.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp")) (attendee (name (last "Bawden") (first "Alan")) (affiliation "Boston University") (address "29 Reed St" "") (city "Cambridge") (state "MA") (zip "02140") (country "USA") (email "bawden@acm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Bloch") (first "Laurent")) (affiliation "Institut Pasteur") (address "28 rue du Docteur Roux" "") (city "Paris") (state "") (zip "75724") (country "FRANCE") (email "bloch@pasteur.fr")) (attendee (name (last "Boucher") (first "Dominique")) (affiliation "Locus Dialogue Inc.") (address "460 Sainte-Catherine St. W" "Suite 730") (city "Montreal") (state "QC") (zip "H3B 1A7") (country "CANADA") (email "dboucher@locusdialogue.com")) (attendee (name (last "Calcagno") (first "Cristiano")) (affiliation "University of Genova") (address "Via Schiva 59" "Cogoleto (GE)") (city "Genova") (state "") (zip "16016") (country "ITALY") (email "calcagno@disi.unige.it")) (attendee (name (last "Chothia") (first "Tom")) (affiliation "Univ. of Edinburgh") (address "Rm. 1613, JCMB" "Kings Buildings") (city "Edinburgh") (state "") (zip "") (country "UNITED KINGDOM") (email "tpcc@dcs.ed.ac.uk")) (attendee (name (last "Cowan") (first "Darin")) (affiliation "Texar Corporation") (address "1101 Prince of Wales Dr." "") (city "Ottawa") (state "ON") (zip "K2C 3W7") (country "CANADA") (email "darin@texar.com")) (attendee (name (last "Damian") (first "Daniel")) (affiliation "University of Aarhus") (address "BRICS, DAIMI" "Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540") (city "Aarhus") (state "") (zip "DK-8000") (country "DENMARK") (email "damian@brics.dk")) (attendee (name (last "Dubé") (first "Danny")) (affiliation "Université de Montréal") (address "DIRO" "CP 6128 succ. Centre-Ville") (city "Montréal") (state "QC") (zip "H3C 3J7") (country "CANADA") (email "dube@iro.umontreal.ca")) (attendee (name (last "Egorov") (first "Sergei")) (affiliation "InforMax, Inc.") (address "6010 Executive Blvd., 10th floor" "") (city "North Bethesda") (state "MD") (zip "20852") (country "USA") (email "esl@acm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Feeley") (first "Marc")) (affiliation "Universite de Montreal") (address "C.P. 6128, succ. centre-ville" "") (city "Montreal") (state "QC") (zip "H3C3J7") (country "CANADA") (email "feeley@iro.umontreal.ca")) (attendee (name (last "Felleisen") (first "Matthias")) (affiliation "Rice University") (address "Dept. of Computer Science" "6100 Main Street MS 132, PO Box 1892") (city "Houston") (state "TX") (zip "77005-1892") (country "USA") (email "matthias@rice.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Findler") (first "Robert")) (affiliation "Rice University") (address "PLT" "6100 S. Main; MS 132") (city "Houston") (state "TX") (zip "77005") (country "USA") (email "robby@cs.rice.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Flatt") (first "Matthew")) (affiliation "University of Utah") (address "School of Computing" "50 Central Campus Drive Rm 3190") (city "Salt Lake City") (state "UT") (zip "84112-9205") (country "USA") (email "mflatt@cs.utah.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Friedman") (first "Daniel")) (affiliation "Indiana University") (address "" "629 Woodcrest") (city "Bloomington") (state "IN") (zip "47401") (country "USA") (email "dfried@cs.indiana.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Ganz") (first "Steven")) (affiliation "Indiana University") (address "407 S. Lincoln St, #1" "") (city "Bloomingtion") (state "IN") (zip "47401") (country "USA") (email "sganz@cs.indiana.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Hickey") (first "Timothy")) (affiliation "Brandeis University") (address "Computer Science Dept, MS018" "415 South Street") (city "Waltham") (state "MA") (zip "02554") (country "USA") (email "tim@cs.brandeis.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Hilsdale") (first "Erik")) (affiliation "Indiana University") (address "1137 Reed Ave., Apt. B" "") (city "Sunnyvale") (state "CA") (zip "94086") (country "USA") (email "eh@acm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Jeong") (first "Cheoljoo")) (affiliation "ETRI") (address "Yoosung-gu Gajung-dong 161" "") (city "Taejon") (state "") (zip "305-350") (country "SOUTH KOREA") (email "cjeong@etri.re.kr")) (attendee (name (last "Kiselyov") (first "Oleg")) (affiliation "NRC Res. Assoc., NPS") (address "440 Ramona Ave., Apt 38" "") (city "Monterey") (state "CA") (zip "93940-4065") (country "USA") (email "oleg@pobox.com")) (attendee (name (last "Krishnamurthi") (first "Shriram")) (affiliation "Brown University") (address "Computer Science Department" "Box 1910, Brown University") (city "Providence") (state "RI") (zip "02912") (country "USA") (email "sk+4@cs.brown.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Lake") (first "John Michael")) (affiliation "Nortel Networks") (address "117 Rock Pointe Lane" "") (city "Cary") (state "NC") (zip "27513") (country "USA") (email "jmlake@nortelnetworks.com")) (attendee (name (last "Latendresse") (first "Mario")) (affiliation "Rice University") (address "Dept. of Computer Science" "6100 Main Street MS 132, PO Box 1892") (city "Houston") (state "TX") (zip "77005-1892") (country "USA") (email "latendre@rice.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Levin") (first "Michael")) (affiliation "University of Pennsylvania") (address "1901 Sansom 2" "") (city "Philadelphia") (state "PA") (zip "19103") (country "USA") (email "milevin@yahoo.com")) (attendee (name (last "Lisovsky") (first "Kirill")) (affiliation "MISA TU") (address "Leninski pr, 4. MISA, room 820." "") (city "Moscow") (state "") (zip "") (country "RUSSIA") (email "lisovsky@acm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Lucier") (first "Bradley")) (affiliation "Purdue University") (address "Department of Mathematics" "1395 Mathematical Sciences Bldg") (city "West Lafayette") (state "IN") (zip "47907-1395") (country "USA") (email "lucier@math.purdue.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Martin") (first "Charles")) (affiliation "") (address "5450 California Street #7" "") (city "San Francisco") (state "CA") (zip "94118") (country "USA") (email "martin@chasm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Meunier") (first "Philippe")) (affiliation "Rice University") (address "1515 Bissonnet" "#72") (city "Houston") (state "TX") (zip "77005") (country "USA") (email "meunier@cs.rice.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Minamide") (first "Yasuhiko")) (affiliation "Univ. of Tsukuba") (address "1-1-1, Tennodai" "") (city "Tsukuba") (state "") (zip "305-8573") (country "JAPAN") (email "minamide@score.is.tsukuba.ac.jp")) (attendee (name (last "Pochinsky") (first "Andrew")) (affiliation "MIT") (address "RM 6-408" "77 Mass Ave") (city "Cambidge") (state "MA") (zip "02139") (country "USA") (email "avp@mit.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Rios Osorio") (first "Ariel")) (affiliation "Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey CEM") (address "Esperanza 154 A Col Industrial" "") (city "Mexico") (state "") (zip "07800") (country "MEXICO") (email "ariel@arcavia.com")) (attendee (name (last "Rossie") (first "Jon")) (affiliation "Nortel Networks") (address "1206 Highland Trail" "") (city "Cary") (state "NC") (zip "27511") (country "USA") (email "jrossie@acm.org")) (attendee (name (last "Rotge") (first "Jean-Francois")) (affiliation "University of Montreal/SGDL Systems") (address "1525 Bernard Ouest, #15" "") (city "Outremont") (state "") (zip "H2V1W7") (country "CANADA") (email "rotgejf@ere.umontreal.ca")) (attendee (name (last "Sabry") (first "Amr")) (affiliation "Indiana University") (address "Computer Science Department" "Lindley Hall") (city "Bloomington") (state "IN") (zip "47405") (country "USA") (email "sabry@cs.indiana.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Serrano") (first "Manuel")) (affiliation "University of Nice") (address "930 route des Colles" "BP 145") (city "Sophia Antipolis") (state "") (zip "06903") (country "FRANCE") (email "manuel.serrano@unice.fr")) (attendee (name (last "Shivers") (first "Olin")) (affiliation "Georgia Institute of Technology") (address "College of Computing" "") (city "Atlanta") (state "GA") (zip "30332") (country "USA") (email "shivers@cc.gatech.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Sobel") (first "Jonathan")) (affiliation "Nortel Networks") (address "538 Woodway Bluff Circle" "") (city "Cary") (state "NC") (zip "27513") (country "USA") (email "jsobel@nortelnetworks.com")) (attendee (name (last "Steckler") (first "Paul")) (affiliation "Rice University") (address "Dept. of Computer Science" "6100 Main Street MS 132, PO Box 1892") (city "Houston") (state "TX") (zip "77005-1892") (country "USA") (email "steck@rice.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Sumii") (first "Eijiro")) (affiliation "Univ. of Pennsylvania") (address "200 South 33rd Street" "Dept. of CIS, Moore School Building") (city "Philadelphia") (state "PA") (zip "19104-6389") (country "USA") (email "sumii@saul.cis.upenn.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Thiemann") (first "Peter")) (affiliation "Universität Freiburg") (address "Inst. f. Informatik," "Georges-Köhler-Allee, Geb.079") (city "Freiburg") (state "") (zip "D-79110") (country "GERMANY") (email "thiemann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de")) (attendee (name (last "Tucker") (first "David")) (affiliation "Brown University") (address "Computer Science Department" "Box 1910") (city "Providence") (state "RI") (zip "02912") (country "USA") (email "dbtucker@cs.brown.edu")) (attendee (name (last "Wallace") (first "Laura")) (affiliation "Ryerson Polytechnic University") (address "53 Broadview Ave. Unit 2" "") (city "Toronto") (state "ON") (zip "M4M 2E4") (country "CANADA") (email "lwallace@scs.ryerson.ca")) (attendee (name (last "Wilson") (first "Mike")) (affiliation "ISource") (address "69 Spadina Road, Apt B7" "") (city "Toronto") (state "ON") (zip "M5R 2T1") (country "CANADA") (email "cmwilson@sarg.ryerson.ca")))